Tree & Yard Services

When you need yard work or tree work done on your property, call on the experts at Hurricane Hauling & Demolition, Inc. We have decades of combined experience and have helped hundreds of residential and commercial customers with their yards and trees.
Some of the tree and yard services we offer include:
- Fire clearance
- Stump grinding
- Lot clearing
- Tree pruning
- Vegetation management
- Tree removal
- Tree trimming
- Wildfire prevention
- Weed clearing
- Fire safety
If you don’t see your need listed, contact us! Chances are good that we can help. We offer free no-obligation quotes on our services, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us or to even stop in and see us!
Fire Clearance Services
Commercial properties have to maintain a certain amount of clearance around buildings and structures in which there are no flammable natural hazards, according to California law. This includes shrubs and trees.
Different types of properties must follow different guidelines. For example, commercial buildings must be clear of storage tanks and and have no flammable vegetation for ten feet out from the building on all sides.
It’s always a good idea for residential properties to also have a clearance space, which is often referred to as a “defensible space.” If you’re a commercial customer who needs fire clearance services to comply with the law or you’re a residential customer that wants fire clearance services for safety, contact Hurricane Hauling & Demolition today.
Wildfire Prevention
Regular tree and yard services can help prevent the spread of wildfires by removing as much potential fuel and kindling as possible from the ground. Trees are responsible for a wide variety of mishaps in the area, from twigs and sticks creating trip hazards to large branches and entire trees causing property damage.
They also increase the risk of wildfires, which is why it’s vital that dead or dying trees are removed promptly. Let our experts take care of it for you. Proper tree maintenance can ensure you have the required fire clearance and can reduce the risk of hazards throughout your property.
Contact our helpful team at Hurricane Hauling & Demolition, Inc. today for a free quote!